Payroll Settings


Process Transaction Type

There are 2 options for processing net pay or gross pension payments in the PAYE records:


a)     ‘Posted and Imported’ means that records will be created as posted bank transactions which are automatically imported to the Benefits Payments tab on the Member’s Pension screen

b)     ‘New bank transactions’ means that bank transactions will be created in the ‘New’ tab on the Bank Transactions screen. They will then have to be posted and imported manually.


In either case, transactions for the PAYE tax to be paid in the future are created as expected transactions, which can be posted and imported in bulk when they are paid.


Operate in Bulk or Individual


There are 2 options. When ‘Individual’ is chosen, only the selected scheme is included when using the features in ‘Reports, Gross Pension’ and ‘Reports, PAYE’. When ‘Bulk’ is chosen, all schemes in the database are included in those features.


‘Payroll Month Edit’ allows you to stop users from editing the PAYE data in the Monthly grid on the ‘Member’s Payroll’ screen or allow users to edit the data. Allowing editing is not recommended – it is better to use Omni to calculate the tax and the net pay.



To enter a new payroll department click into the grid and press the down arrow until an empty box appears. Type in the payroll department name and select either “Gross” or “Split” from the drop down box.


Existing payrolls can be amended here and the changes will be reflected in the options lists for the rest of the system. However member details will not be updated automatically, i.e. if you rename a payroll here, members who are currently on the payroll will remain with the old payroll name. Each member would need to be changed individually to a new payroll.




If ‘Only produce payslips for changes of £1’ is ticked, Omni will only produce payslips for those pensioners whose gross pay or tax has changed by more than £1 since the previous month in the tax year. Payslips are produced for all members in the first month of a tax year.


If that box is not ticked, payslips are produced for all members.