PAYE Online



The Online process cannot commence until after 5th April for the relevant tax year.


For the 2009 tax year, the important dates were:


19th April – all tax due for the previous tax year must be paid

19th May – P14 and P35 to be submitted electronically to HMRC

31st May – P60 must be issued to pensioners




Before using PAYE Online each year it is essential that the program is configured using the Settings menu. You should not assume that the previous year’s settings are still valid.




All Omni databases which are to be included in the PAYE submission must be added on the ‘Databases’ tab. To add a database type the full path (e.g. ‘H:\OmniDatabase\SSAS’) into the ‘Add Database’ box and press the ‘Add’ button. If the path entered is not a valid Omni Database then the system will present a message of ‘Invalid Database’.


If a database is entered in error then it can be removed by highlighting it in the top list and using the ‘Delete’ button.


For each database the various ‘Paid By’ references can be selected to be included or excluded from the submission and reports. 




Questions 2 and 3 on the HMRC Checklist require information not stored within Omni. The Questions tab has been provided for the user to complete.


Advances from HMRC. If you have received an advance from HMRC to refund tax to a pensioner then the total of any such advances should be entered in ‘Advance received from HMRC to refund tax (box 7).’ This amount will be entered in Box 7 and will be added to the total tax for box 8 on the P35. You should ensure that the orginal amount of tax and the refund are included as appropriate in the PAYE records of that pensioner so that the total tax that you are reporting agrees with the tax that you have paid. Such advances are not to be confused with simple refunds that you paid as a deduction from the overall tax due to HMRC in a particular month.


Adjustments to tax already paid to HMRC. Usually the PAYE records in Omni will reflect the tax actually paid to HMRC. Enter an amount in this field if, for whatever reason, the PAYE records stored in Omni do not fully reflect the tax actually paid to HMRC. Omni then calculates the tax actually paid to HMRC (box 25 on the P35) as the total recorded in the P11dws for each member (on the Members’ Payroll screen) plus this adjustment. A negative amount can be entered.




The details stored on the Credentials tab are used when creating P14 and P35 submissions and also when producing details for printing P60s.



End of Year Reports


The current tax year end will be used as the default when the program opens. Other tax years can be selected using the drop-down box at the top of the window.


P11dws (Deductions Workings Sheet) and P32 reports are for internal records and checking. They are not submitted to HMRC. These must be prepared and checked before a P14/P60 can be created. The P14 and P35 are submitted to HMRC together as one complete submission. The P14 must be prepared before the P35 can be created. P60s can be printed only after the P14 report has been run, a ‘Print P60s’ button will appear when P60s can be printed.


Reports are created by selecting an option and then clicking the ‘Prepare’ button.


If a report has already been generated for the year then a message will appear asking if you wish to overwrite the existing report because only one copy of each report can be stored in the system. If any relevant details are changed within Omni then the report will need to be rerun to pick up the changes.


When a report has been prepared a tick will appear in the ‘Prepared’ box by the report name. Once the report has been checked the user can click in the ‘Checked’ box to confirm the status. Where necessary, confirming a report has been checked will enable another report to be run.


Omni does not store any of these reports permanently – you need to save the Word and Excel documents mentioned below so that you can refer to them in the future.



This produces a Microsoft Word version of a P11 deductions workings sheet for all members.



This produces a Microsoft Excel sheet which shows the total tax paid across all members on a month by month basis. This also includes totals for all members, broken down by Omni database.


Before proceeding to the next section, check that totals on both reports agree and that the tax actually paid to HMRC agrees with the total figure in the P32.



This produces the P14 data in the format required for electronic submission. It also creates a Microsoft Excel sheet with this data on so that individual member information can be checked.



This creates a Microsoft Word document with P60 information for all members. This document is formatted so that it can be printed directly onto P60 (LaserSheet 3-Portrait)(2008-2009) paper as provided by HMRC.

n.b. When printing the P60s a warning may appear regarding ‘Margins being outside of the printable area’. This is so that accurate positioning of the text can be achieved and it is safe to continue, no text is positioned outside of the printable area of most modern printers. We do advise printing a test page to ensure that the output from the printer is in line with the provided forms.



This creates the P35 data in the format required for electronic submission, and collates this with the P14 data.




Once a P35 has been prepared and checked, a ‘Live Submission’ button will appear. This will present the P35 information again and also two declarations, agreeing with both will enable the ‘Prepare for Submission’ button. Pressing this button will show a new screen with the P35 submission in the submission format and a ‘Submit’ button. Clicking this button will submit the P35 to the HMRC ‘gateway’. HMRC will check the submission for any formatting errors (it won’t check the actual numbers you are submitting). When the submission process is complete, the window will close and be replaced by another which will show whether the submission has been a success or not.


If the submission was not successful then the response should give some indication of why the submission failed. Using the Excel sheet produced when generating P14s can be helpful when identifying any missing data. If a submission error occurs that requires data to be changed within Omni then the P35 and the P14 will both need to be prepared again.


Once the Live Submission has been completed, all options for that tax year will be greyed-out and everything will be locked. There is no provision to reverse to submission and so it is important that the data is fully checked before submitting.


See also                Pension Data,

                                PAYE Data