Member Print



By default, the latest 3 entries of most elements are printed. Clicking the ‘Full History’ box will print all records.


Main Details


The member’s address is shown if a link to address book has been added.


The telephone number, fax number and email address are shown if they are present.


The details from the trustee screen are shown if a common address is linked to both member and trustee.


Other Schemes


All records for other schemes are always printed, unless the fund value for a scheme is zero.


Schemes stored before April 2006 as ‘retained funds’ are amalgamated with ‘other schemes’.


Fund splits- ‘Pre 2006 Fund’ shows the part of the vested fund that was derived from funds that were vested before 5th April 2006.


Income and Outgo – all transfers received from other schemes are amalgamated (including pre 2006 transfers from retained benefits).


Contributions – pension input year.