

The Holdings screen can be accessed from the menu item ‘Investments, Investment Transactions’.

By default, holdings with no units are not shown. New holdings where transactions have not yet been entered are not shown, nor are holdings where all units have now been sold.

Clicking 'Show holdings with no units' will display all holdings.

New Holding

When entering a new holding, a list of all stocks stored in Omni will be displayed. The list can be filtered on the different types of investments. When you to select the chosen investment, the investment transactions screen will automatically be displayed after the new holding has been created.

For segregated portfolios, the holding is created automatically for the scheme when you enter the new stock. From the holdings screen you can enter transactions into and out of that portfolio.


Details of the purchase and sales of investments can be stored.


The Delete button is designed for removing errors. If all units in a holding have been sold then the holding will be hidden by the 'Show holdings with no units' feature. The details of all purchase and sales can then be kept for future reference, including preparing accounts.  

When clicking the Delete button, Omni will check whether there is any data stored for that holding e.g. whether there are any investment transaction records and whether any such records just contain zeros. If there is data stored, Omni will show a message to explain why it will not delete the record. If there is no data, Omni will ask if you wish to proceed with the deletion.

Segregated portfolios cannot be deleted. Once the latest value has been set to zero, they should just be archived.


Details of all transactions can be sent to Excel.


See also - Stocks