Commission – Global


Commission Received By SIPP Operator


The intentions behind the commission screens within Omni are to store any commission received by the SIPP operator. It is not intended that commission received by the member’s adviser is stored in Omni.


To activate the commission features, there is a setting on the Miscellaneous tab on the Settings screen (System, Master User Options, Settings).


Commission Across All Schemes


On the main Stocks screen (Investments, Stocks), there is a Commission button. If you select a particular product (e.g. Cater Allen Reserve Account) and click Commission, a list of all of the commission payments paid for that product across all schemes is shown.


Filtering by Date


To show only those payments received on a certain date, enter that date into the ‘Filter on Date’ box and click the Apply Filter button.


Entering a Payment


Click ‘Add Commission’ and a new screen appears where you select the scheme and then enter the date and amount. If the commission list has been filtered on a particular date, that date is used as the default for entering new payments – this is designed for entered payments received on the same date across many schemes.


To select a scheme the client reference can be entered or the Select Scheme button can be used to show a list of schemes in alphabetical order. The scheme list only shows schemes that own that product so that the list is shorter and to reduce the risk that commission is allocate to the wrong scheme.


Once the scheme has been selected, the scheme name will be displayed or ‘Reference not found’ will be shown if the client reference entered does not correspond to a scheme that holds that product. If the client reference was not found in the product list the commission record cannot be saved.




The data shown on the screen (allowing for any date filter) can be sent to an Excel spreadsheet.


See also Scheme Commission